
sekuat,sehebat dan sekeren dy

Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

tugas 2 bahasa inggris

Bekasi, 24 Mei 2014
To :CV. ManagemenKonstruksiUtama

Dear sir,
Refering to your requirement in jobstreet, I am interested to joint and to contribute with your respected company. I am interested to apply as Technical Engineringin your company. For your futher consideration. I humble give my detailed personal data as follows .

I am 21 years old, single, smart, good looking, and excellent health. I was graduated from Postgraduate Program at Gunadarma University. I can work independently and also believe in teamwork. I am computer literate, able to use Auto Cad, Ms Project,  Microsoft Office 2007 (Access, Excel, Word, Power Point), and able to draw design manualy .

To complete my application, I am enclosing my curriculum vitae in wich you will find the outlines of my data, education background and photograph of mine .

I would be grateful if you give a change to have personal interview at the time most convenient to you. Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Catrine Christine

tugas 1 bahasa inggris

To :UdinBadidin
From :Unita Maharani, General Manager.
Date : May 21st, 2014
Subject :Meeting

In the next month. I will hold a meeting with you about your promotion as Assistant Manager, please come to 13th floor at 07:00 A.M on May 31. Bring your project last month to be our consideration.